Final Project Procedure

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Final Project Research Proposal Submission
  1. Students have obtained a minimum of 114 credits. Credits must be proven by attaching an academic transcript from SIAK NG with a print date in the current semester.
  2. Have a research proposal according to the specified format
  3. Submit a research proposal and application for a prospective supervisor to the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program by completing Form 1 (Final Project Proposal Registration) and submitting it to the Study Program Secretariat/Administration along with all required attachments.
  4. The Head of the Undergraduate Study Program will hold a Cross-KBP Meeting a maximum of once every 2 weeks to determine the acceptance of proposals, supervisors, and examiners. The results of the meeting will be announced on the notice board no later than 3 (three) working days after the assessment meeting is held. 
  5. Students complete Form 2 (Statement of Willingness to Guide the Final Assignment) and submit it to the prospective supervisor to obtain a statement of “willingness to guide”.
  6. If the prospective supervisor is not willing to supervise, the student must report back to the Head of the Study Program to obtain a prospective supervisor. The student must re-conduct the procedure in accordance with point 5.
  1. After going through several consultations, the supervisor can give approval to the student to register to attend the Proposal Seminar by signing the proposal cover and Form 3 (Registration for the Final Project Proposal Feasibility Test).
  2. Students complete and submit Form 3 to the Administration section along with all required attachments to then be submitted to the Head of the Study Program.
  3. The Head of the Study Program will make a letter of request to the Examiners to carry out the Proposal Feasibility Test through the mechanism desk evaluation by completing Form 4 (Final Project Proposal Assessment) within 1 (one) week. Results desk evalution can be: a. pass without improvement (L); b. improvement without presentation (P1) or; c. improvement with presentation (P2)
  4. A proposal is declared to have passed the UKP if one of the examining lecturers states the results desk evalution as L or P1 and can immediately complete Form 5 (Proposal Feasibility Test Minutes)
  5. If both examiners state the results desk evaluation As P2, the proposal must enter UKP stage 2, namely proposal presentation.
  6. The presentation schedule is determined by the Study Program by considering the availability of time for the supervisor and the two examiners.
  7. For presentation purposes, students are not required to submit revised proposals depending on the direction of the Supervisor. If there are revisions, they can be included in the presentation material.
  8. The supervisor acts as a moderator in the proposal presentation. In a proposal that has two supervisors, then Supervisor 2 can replace Supervisor 1 as the moderator of the Proposal Seminar.
  9. The Proposal Seminar must be attended by at least the student presenter/researcher, 1 (one) supervising lecturer, and 2 (two) examining lecturers.
  10. The implementation of the Proposal Seminar does not have a minimum requirement for participants from among students.
  11. The Proposal Seminar is held for a maximum of 60 (sixty) minutes in the form of a proposal presentation by students and questions and answers. The time provided for the presentation of the proposal by students is a maximum of 15 (fifteen) minutes.
  12. Each supervising lecturer and examining lecturer is required to provide an assessment of the suitability of the proposal by completing Form 4 and completing Form 5.
  1. Research results seminars are held at least 1 (one) time for each undergraduate final project research as part of the Final Project Examination.
  2. Students have registered as participants in the “MK Skripsi” at SIAK NG in the current semester.
  3. Students have completed writing the results of their research along with all the equipment (maps and attachments) in accordance with the established final assignment format. Guidelines for writing final assignments can be downloaded from the link
  4. Students have obtained approval from both supervisors to register for the Research Results Seminar by completing Form 6 (Research Results Seminar Registration) and submitting it to the Education Section along with all required attachments to then be submitted to the Head of the Study Program.
  5. The Head of the Study Program will schedule and provide a room for holding the Research Results Seminar and announce it at least through an invitation letter to the supervising lecturers and examining lecturers by attaching the results of the student's research.
  1. The Research Results Seminar is conducted openly and attended by at least 1 (one) supervising lecturer and 2 (two) examining lecturers.
  2. Supervisor 1 acts as the seminar moderator. If Supervisor 1 is absent, Supervisor 2 can replace him/her as the seminar moderator.
  3. The implementation of the Research Results Seminar is carried out in the form of presentation of research results by students and questions and answers between lecturers and/or student participants in the seminar with student presenters for a maximum of 90 (ninety) minutes. The time allocation includes the presentation of research results by students for a maximum of 15 (fifteen) minutes.
  4. Each supervisor, examiner, and other lecturers attending the Research Results Seminar are required to fill in the attendance list and provide an assessment of the research results by completing Form 7 (Assessment of the Final Project Research Draft) as material for the Moderator to complete Form 8 (Minutes of the Research Results Seminar). The weights for the average scores of the Supervisor, Examiner, and other lecturers are 50%, 40%, and 10% respectively.
  5. After the Research Results Seminar, students are required to make improvements (revisions) to their research results by considering and/or following the input and assessment results of the examining lecturers and assessing lecturers while paying attention to the directions of the supervising lecturer.
  6. The student presenter asks for the willingness of one of his fellow students to act as a notetaker so that he can record important substances from the question and answer process in the minutes book that has been provided. The minutes must be signed by the moderator and the notetaker.
  7. If students have to re-present their research results in a Research Results Seminar, students must repeat all seminar registration procedures in Point 3.4.
  8. The implementation of the research results repeat seminar can be carried out as soon as possible within a period of 7 (seven) calendar days after the implementation of the previous research results seminar.
  1. Students have received approval from their Academic Advisor and Thesis Supervisor to register for the Undergraduate Session by completing Form 9
  2. Students have passed all compulsory university/faculty/department courses and obtained a minimum of 138 credits as proven by attaching an academic transcript from SIAK NG.
  3. Students register for the Undergraduate Defense at the Academic Sub-Division of FMIPA UI by bringing Form 9 and completing Form 10 including all the requirements according to the schedule listed in the Academic Calendar or the official announcement issued by the Vice Dean 1 and/or Academic Manager of FMIPA UI.
  1. Thesis Examination/Undergraduate Defense is an academic forum to assess a student's eligibility to graduate as a Bachelor and must be carried out at least 1 (one) time for each final undergraduate research assignment result.
  2. During the study period, students are only allowed to attend the Undergraduate Defense a maximum of 3 (three) times. However, students are only allowed to attend the Undergraduate Defense a maximum of 2 (two) times in 1 (one) semester.
  3. The Undergraduate Examination is held behind closed doors at a predetermined time and place.
  4. The implementation of the Undergraduate Examination must be attended by at least 3 out of 4 members of the Undergraduate Examination Committee with the following possible minimum composition:
    1. Chair of the Examination Committee and concurrently examiner with a minimum academic degree of S3 (Doctor);
    2. One (1) examiner;
    3. One (1) supervising lecturer
  5. Supervisor 1 acts as the committee secretary. If Supervisor 1 is absent, Supervisor 2 can replace him as the committee secretary.
  6. The implementation of the Undergraduate Examination is carried out in the form of presentation of research results by students and questions and answers between lecturers and student presenters/researchers for a maximum of 100 (one hundred) minutes. The time allocation includes the presentation of research results by students for a maximum of 15 (fifteen) minutes.
  7. The Q&A session is guided by the committee chair in order to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the readiness and suitability of students to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Geography. Each Examiner has a maximum of 20 (twenty) minutes to conduct Q&A with students. The Q&A time allocation for the Supervisor is a maximum of 15 (fifteen) minutes.
  8. The Examination Committee attending the Undergraduate Session is obliged to provide an assessment in accordance with the provisions applicable to students by completing Form 11 (Final Assignment Assessment Rubric) as material for the Chair of the Examination Committee to calculate the final grade by completing Form 12 as an inseparable part of Form 13 (Minutes Undergraduate Session). The weightage for the average marks of Supervisors and Examiners  is 60% and 40% respectively.
  9. The Chairperson of the Examination Committee announces whether or not students have passed or failed as Bachelors in the field of geography based on the final calculation results. 
  10. If for some reason a student is declared to have failed the Undergraduate Examination, the student concerned must repeat the Undergraduate Examination by re-registering in accordance with the provisions.