Spatial Information Technology For Life
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This research group studies the utilization of spatial information technology in line with the development of map making theory & theory of maps. Emphasis is placed on its application for decision-making, both for development planning at various levels and for the daily lives of communities. The study was conducted by utilizing various deterministic and non-deterministic spatial modeling.
- Dr. Supriatna, M.T.
- Tjiong Giok Pin, M.Si.
- Adi Wibowo, S.Si., M.Si., PhD.
- Jarot Mulyo Semedi, M.Sc.
- Revi Hernina, M.T.
- Iqbal Putut Ash Shidiq, PhD.
- Satria Indratmoko, M.Sc.
- Riza Putera Syamsudin, M.Si.
- Dr. M. Dimyati
- Dra. Tuty Handayani, M.S.

Author | Year | Title |
Wibowo, A., Yusoff, M.M., Hamzah, T.A.A.B.T., Shidiq, I.P.A. | 2020 | Urban Heat Hazard Threat On University Campus (University of Indonesia and University of Malaya) |
Rokhmatuloh, Supriatna, Wibowo, A., Shidiq, I.P.A. | 2020 | Spatial analysis of rice phenology using sentinel 2 and UAV in Parakansalak, Sukabumi District, Indonesia |
Supriatna, Rokhmatuloh, Wibowo, A., Ash Shidiq, I.P. | 2020 | Rice productivity estimation by Sentinel-2A imagery in Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia |
Wibowo, A., Yusoff, M.M., Salleh, K.O. | 2020 | Monitoring urban heat signature and profiles of localized urban environment in the University of Malaya |
Fadhil, M., Ristya, Y., Oktaviani, N., Kusratmoko, E. | 2020 | Flood vulnerability mapping using the spatial multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) method in the Minraleng Watershed, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi |
Senjani, M., Kusratmoko, E., Ristya, Y. | 2020 | Spatial distribution of drought levels in Bantimurung District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province |
Wetty, M.P., Kusratmoko, E. | 2020 | Spatial model of vulnerability to tsunami in Buleleng Sub-district |
Huda, D.N., Supriatna, Ash Shidiq, I.P., Taqyuddin | 2020 | Spatiotemporal analysis land surface temperature in relation to earthquake occurrence around the cimandiri fault |
Zuhro, A., Tambunan, M.P., Marko, K. | 2020 | Application of vegetation health index (VHI) to identify distribution of agricultural drought in Indramayu Regency, West Java Province |
Faliha Dzakiyah, I., Saraswati, R. | 2020 | Drought area of agricultural land using Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT) method in Ciampel Subdistrict Karawang Regency |
Hernina, R., Rokhmatuloh, Setyawan, B.A. | 2020 | Exploring the relationship of solid waste height and land surface temperature in municipality landfill site using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) images |
Meissarah, P., Rokhmatuloh, Shidiq, I.P.A. | 2020 | Spatial pattern of carbon mangrove stock based on habitat characteristics in Bali Province |
Nur Anisa, M., Rokhmatuloh, Hernina, R. | 2020 | UAV application to estimate oil palm trees health using Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI) (Case study of Cikabayan Research Farm, Bogor City) |
Naulidia, R.A., Juliana, E., Handayani, S., Damayanti, F., Setiasih, S., Hudiyono, S. | 2020 | Enzymatic synthesis of glycerol and sucrose-palm oil fatty acid esters produced and their potency as antimicrobial agents |
Khoirunnisa, F., Supriatna, Wibowo, A. | 2020 | Using NDVI algorithm in Sentinel-2A imagery for rice productivity estimation (Case study: Compreng sub-district, Subang Regency, West Java) |
Lestari, E.A.P., Supriatna, Damayanti, A. | 2020 | Model of paddy rice phenology using Sentinel 2-A imagery with NDVI algorithm in Subang Regency |
Ditriyani, E., Supriatna, Tambunan, M.P. | 2020 | Seagrass distribution using remote sensing along the Ujunggenteng Coastal, Sukabumi |
Firdaus, F., Pin, T.G., Supriatna | 2020 | Distribution of phytoplankton using remote sensing in Cimandiri Estuary, Sukabumi, West Java |
Kaffah, S., Supriatna, Damayanti, A. | 2020 | Cilamaya estuary zonation based on sea surface salinity with 2 Sentinel-2A satellite imagery |
Rahman, T.A., Supriatna, S., Saraswati, R. | 2020 | Coral reefs distribution using Sentinel-2A imagery in Belanda Island, Bira Besar Island and Pramuka Island at Kepulauan Seribu National Park |
Supriatna, Rokhmatuloh, Wibowo, A., Shidiq, I.P.A. | 2020 | Spatial analysis of rice phenology using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 in Karawang Regency |
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