Center for Applied Geography Research

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The Center for Applied Geography Research (PPGT) was established as a research institution to carry out the mission of fulfilling the needs of academics and the wider community in finding answers and making decisions on increasingly complex human environmental spatial problems, both in terms of physical and non-physical. And by relying on and following the increasingly rapid development of Geographic Information System technology.

The Center for Applied Geography Research has 4 principles in carrying out its mission, namely:

  • Developing new applications of geographical disciplines for regional analysis purposes to support development planning and environmental management;
  • Providing expert groups in the field of spatial science, development of the use and exchange of spatial information and related technologies;
  • Providing spatial expertise to support the effectiveness of research and development activities that have a spatial perspective;
  • Connecting geography and technology with market needs.

As part of a research and service-oriented institution, PPGT provides the following services:

  • Data collection, database development, and map presentation services.
  • Education in geography and spatial/regional sciences, training in spatial techniques including Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing, Image Interpretation and analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning System mapping, and field data collection;
  • Consultant in spatial analysis and research for development planning and environmental management;

In every service activity, PPGT strives to provide added scientific value, both to the data presented and to research activities. This additional mission is PPGT's scientific contribution to the scientific community and the general public which is carried out through the process of adding value to research and other scientific activities.