Ecological Politics

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This research group emphasizes the spatial dimension of ecological problems in relation to power relations and socio-cultural processes as a reflection of the relationship between humans and the environment. Providing a critical study of the decision-making mechanism for a resource in a political, social and economic network that is connected in various spatial scales. The main focus is on the spatial dimensions of resource allocation, control, access, conflicts, and shifts, as well as their implications for patterns and quality of life in lowland/highland, rural/urban, coastal/inland areas.


  1. Dr. Dewi Susiloningtyas, S.Si., M.Si.
  2. Dr. Hafid Setiadi, S.Si., M.T.
  3. Dr. Triarko Nurlambang, M.A.
  4. Fathia Hashilah, S.Si., M.Env.Mgt.Dev.
  5. Dr. Hayuning Anggrahita, S.Si., M.S.M.
  6. Ratri Candra Restuti, S.Si., M.Si.




Firdhauzi, S.N., Damayanti, A., Semedi, J.M., Dimyati, M.


Spatial and temporal pattern of soil conservation in mountain ecosystem: Case study of Patuha Mountain, West Java-Indonesia

Susilowati, M.H.D., Susiloningtyas, D., Restuti, R.C., Wibowo, A.


The spatial pattern of the availability and needs ratio of rice in Lebak regency, Banten province

Susiloningtyas, D.


Fishermen’s perception of fisheries resources and water condition in Kretek District, Parangtritis

Miranti, S.A., Setiadi, H., Erthalia, M.


Mapping Potential Area of Sustainable Food Agriculture Area in Somba Opu Sub-District, Gowa Regency

Kamiludin, F., Setiadi, H., Sumadio, W


Livelihoods sustainability pattern in Sangrawayang Village, Simpenan District, Sukabumi Regency

Takarina, N.D., Pin, T.G.


Estimation of suitable habitat and fishing ground for Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier, 1829) in Blanakan coast based on environmental and metal Zn parameters

Sudaryanto, Khairinissa, G., Utomo, S.W., Waryono, T.


Growing households’ income through non-timber forest products

Fakhruddin, A., Nurlambang, T., Sumadio, W.


Spatial patterns of land prices changing around toll gates (Cipali Toll Road case study)

Sahararini, A.F., Supriatna, Wibowo, A.


Estimation of rice productivity using Sentinel-2 imagery with NDVI algorithm in Cariu sub-district, Bogor, West Java

Anika, S., Supriatna, S., Erthalia, M., Rokhmatuloh


Geothermal prospect areas based on physical characteristics using remote sensing at Cimandiri Fault, West Java

Rismayatika, F., Saraswati, R., Shidiq, I.P.A., Taqyyudin


Identification of Dry Areas on Agricultural Land using Normalized Difference Drought Index in Magetan Regency

Rasjiddin, A.I., Sobirin, S., Waryono, T.


The potential of agricultural drought according to brightness and wetness index on Kebumen district

Sobirin, Dzikraini, F., Indra, T.L.


Exposure pattern of tobacco cultivation places due to climate change in Probolinggo district, East Java