Journal of Tropical Environmental Geography

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Journal of Geography of Tropical Environments

Journal of Geography of Tropical Environments or JGLITrop is a journal that is currently heading towards an international journal published by the Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), University of Indonesia (UI). JGLITrop provides a platform for researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners and students from all over the world to provide and share knowledge in the form of high-quality empirical and theoretical research papers and literature reviews.

JGLITrop publishes research papers and review articles in the areas of:

  • Physical Geography: Climatology, Geomorphology, Hydrogeography, Biogeography, Soil Geography, Mathematical Geography, etc.
  • Human Geography: Economic Geography, Population Geography, Medical Geography, Cultural Geography, Political Geography, Urban Geography, Transportation Geography, etc.
  • Geographical Engineering: Geographic information systems, remote sensing, cartography, Quantification Methods in Geography, etc.
  • Interdisciplinary Fields: Environmental Health, Sustainability, Development, etc.

JGLITrop invites researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners and students from Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe and America to submit their best quality research articles or reviews to be published every February and August with OPEN ACCESS.

Pemberitahuan Penerimaan: dalam waktu 7-10 hari sejak tanggal pengiriman naskah

With Warm Regards,

Chief Editor
Dr.rer.nat. Eko Kusratmoko, M.S.

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