Landscape Dynamics

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This research group discusses the processes and systems of landscapes, both those formed by natural laws and human influence, and how changes in landscapes impact life. Special attention is paid to the dynamics and processes in tropical environments, land-atmosphere interactions, and the interactions between mountainous, coastal, and hilly landscapes, climate phenomena (climate change, hydrometeorological disasters) and human systems (adaptation and resilience) as a basis for disaster and ecosystem studies.


  1. Dr. rer.nat. Eko Kusratmoko, M.S.
  2. Dr. Supriatna, M.T.
  3. Dr. Mangapul P. Tambunan, M.S.
  4. Dr. Tito Latief Indra, M.Si.
  5. Dra. Ratna Saraswati, M.S.
  6. Dra. Astrid Damayanti, M.Si.
  7. Andry Rustanto, S.Si., M.Sc.
  8. Nurul Sri Rahatiningtyas, M.Si.
  9. Kuswantoro, S.Si., M.Sc.
  10. Satria Indratmoko, M.Sc.
  11. Faris Zulkarnain, M.T.
  12. Riza putera, M.Si.




Fauzan, M.E., Damayanti, A., Saraswati, R


Vulnerability assessment of landslide areas in Ci Manuk Upstream Watershed, Garut District, West Java Province

Firdhauzi, S.N., Damayanti, A., Semedi, J.M., Dimyati, M.


Spatial and temporal pattern of soil conservation in mountain ecosystem: Case study of Patuha Mountain, West Java-Indonesia

Supriatna, S., Pratiwi, S.F., Marko, K., Manessa, M.D.M., Ristya, Y.


Spatial dynamics of Tsunami prone areas in Pariaman City, West Sumatera

Reynaldi, D.T., Damayanti, A., Taqyuddin


Distribution pattern of Gunung Sewu karst doline water utilization: A case study of doline in Semanu and Ponjong Sub Subdistrict, Gunungkidul Regency)

Bawafi, H., Indra, T.L., Kusratmoko, E., Damayanti, A.


Spatial Analysis of Deforestation in Water Recharge Area at the Toyoaning Sub-Watershed as a Drought Mitigation Effort

Camila, T.R., Saraswati, R.


Vulnerability of the East Coast of Balikpapan City in East Kalimantan (Lamaru Beach – Klandasan Beach)

Widyasa, P.A., Kusratmoko, E., Marko, K.


Estimation of erosion rate in Cileungsi upper watershed Bogor Regency

Fernandos, Tambunan, M.P., Marko, K.


Loss levels regarding flood affected areas in the upper Citarum Watershed

Nabila, S., Kusratmoko, E., Marko, K.


Water quality in Ci Lutung Watershed (Case study: Ci Jurey Sub-Watershed and Ci Deres Sub-Watershed)

Khadijah, Saraswati, R., Wibowo, A.


Coastline Changes on the Coast of Cirebon Using Landsat

Ikhsanti, H., Saraswati, R., Sri Rahatiningtyas, N.


Modelling Tsunami Level of Hazard in Pariaman Coastal Area, West Sumatera

Hanif Wibowo, W., Saraswati, R., Sri Rahatiningtyas, N.


Tidal flood hazard in coastal area of Tangerang Regency

Nanda, R.F., Sobirin, Saraswati, R.


Place exposure pattern toward landslide disaster due to heavy rainfall in Probolinggo District, East Java

Putri, A.A.O., Augusty, D.G., Sihombing, F.M.H., Indra, T.L.


Fabric study in metamorphic rocks in Karangsambung, Kebumen, Central Java