Graduate Profile and Competencies

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Graduate Profile

As an educational institution, the implementation of the vision and mission is aimed at producing geography graduates who are competitive in the job market. The development of the education curriculum is also more directed at preparing students to be able to face the ever-changing world. Based on this approach, the Geography Study Program at FMIPA UI has the goal that every graduate produced has a profile as a "Bachelor of Science in geography capable of mapping natural resources and human activities based on spatial information technology to support decision making in managing sustainable life professionally according to scientific and environmental ethics"

Wisudawan Geografi FMIPA UI

Competency Achievement

Based on the profile, graduates are expected to have optimal provisions both to enter the workforce and to pursue further education at a higher level. In order to fulfill the profile above, the Undergraduate Geography Program FMIPA UI has formulated the following learning outcomes:

The Realm of Knowledge (knowledge)

  1. K1Able to optimize the application of the principles of natural sciences, mathematics, and analytical data in geographical studies.
  2. K2Able to analyze the application of basic geographical principles across various scales and characteristics of the Earth's surface.
  3. K3Able to assess life resource problems based on geographical work procedures
  4. K4Able to interpret human-environment interdependence based on spatial perspective
  5. K5Able to formulate opinions based on geographical facts and theories
  6. K6Able to develop spatial models/synthesis

Skills Domain (transferable skills)

  1. S1: Able to analyze the application of geographical theories and methods, as well as spatial information technology.
  2. S2: Able to validate geographic data and information
  3. S3: Able to effectively package various geographic information in visual, verbal, and textual forms for relevant stakeholders.

Professional competencies

  1. P1Able to demonstrate maturity in attitudes of tolerance and adaptation in accordance with scientific, professional and environmental ethics
  2. P2Able to exhibit confidence and intellectual curiosity in addressing societal needs professionally.
  3. P3Able to propose critical and creative solutions for applying geographic disciplines to address life resource challenges.

Learning outcomes achieved based on a combination of the three domains above can be applied to several professions/fields of work that are relevant to geographical science with the following formulation:

  • Scientist/researcher: Able to develop themselves and their knowledge appropriately and professionally through research activities, education, and community involvement in accordance with advances in science and technology in the field of geography.
  • Spatial information analyst: Able to provide systematic analysis, interpretation and recommendations based on reliable spatial information systems for strategic decision making.
  • Data Manager: Able to manage effective and harmonious coordination in spatial data management
  • Spatial planner: Able to synthesize living resource problems at various scales and characteristics of places using approaches
  • Decision maker: Able to select appropriate spatial analysis methods, procedures, and technologies to expand the benefits of geographic knowledge for the advancement of science, business, and society.
  • Community Leader: Able to motivate communities to improve their abilities based on the life resources available in the local environment.
  • Innovator: Able to present creative and innovative ideas based on sensitivity to local or regional conditions.

Some other professions that are suitable for geography BA graduates include:

  • GIS/remote sensing    specialist
  • Professional   cartographer
  • GIS   program  manager
  • Spatial   data   base developer
  • Spatial  analysis  supevisor
  • Ecosystem services   analyst
  • Environment analyst
  • Land use   analyst
  • Urban/regional/spatial   planner
  • Spatial   policy    supervisor
  • Disaster    mitigation manager
  • Land/property appraisal
  • Transportation planner
  • Lecturer/teacher
  • Researcher.

These professions indicate that graduates from this study program can work in the public sector (government institutions), business sector (consultants, companies, and industries), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the fields of mapping, information systems, land, agriculture, urban/village/regional planning, environment, forestry, disaster, coastal and marine, property, tax and finance, transportation, education, and other related fields. Graduates also have the opportunity to develop their careers through entrepreneurship in the fields of work above. The provision of knowledge, skills, and professionalism also provides extensive opportunities for graduates to pursue further education at the postgraduate level.

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