Teknologi Informasi Spasial Untuk Kehidupan

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Kelompok riset ini mengkaji pemanfaatan teknologi informasi spasial sejalan dengan perkembangan map making theory & theory of maps. Penekanan diberikan pada pemanfaatannya untuk keperluan pengambilan keputusan baik bagi kepentingan perencanaan pembangunan pada berbagai tingkatan maupun bagi kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat. Kajian dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan berbagai pemodelan spasial deterministik maupun nondeterministik.


  1. Dr. Supriatna, M.T.
  2. Tjiong Giok Pin, M.Si.
  3. Adi Wibowo, S.Si., M.Si., PhD.
  4. Jarot Mulyo Semedi, M.Sc.
  5. Revi Hernina, M.T.
  6. Iqbal Putut Ash Shidiq, PhD.
  7. Satria Indratmoko, M.Sc.
  8. Riza Putera Syamsudin, M.Si.
  9. Dr. M. Dimyati
  10. Dra. Tuty Handayani, M.S.




Wibowo, A., Yusoff, M.M., Hamzah, T.A.A.B.T., Shidiq, I.P.A.


Urban Heat Hazard Threat On University Campus (University of Indonesia and University of Malaya)

Rokhmatuloh, Supriatna, Wibowo, A., Shidiq, I.P.A.


Spatial analysis of rice phenology using sentinel 2 and UAV in Parakansalak, Sukabumi District, Indonesia

Supriatna, Rokhmatuloh, Wibowo, A., Ash Shidiq, I.P.


Rice productivity estimation by Sentinel-2A imagery in Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia

Wibowo, A., Yusoff, M.M., Salleh, K.O.


Monitoring urban heat signature and profiles of localized urban environment in the University of Malaya

Fadhil, M., Ristya, Y., Oktaviani, N., Kusratmoko, E.


Flood vulnerability mapping using the spatial multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) method in the Minraleng Watershed, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi

Senjani, M., Kusratmoko, E., Ristya, Y.


Spatial distribution of drought levels in Bantimurung District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province

Wetty, M.P., Kusratmoko, E.


Spatial model of vulnerability to tsunami in Buleleng Sub-district

Huda, D.N., Supriatna, Ash Shidiq, I.P., Taqyuddin


Spatiotemporal analysis land surface temperature in relation to earthquake occurrence around the cimandiri fault

Zuhro, A., Tambunan, M.P., Marko, K.


Application of vegetation health index (VHI) to identify distribution of agricultural drought in Indramayu Regency, West Java Province

Faliha Dzakiyah, I., Saraswati, R.


Drought area of agricultural land using Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT) method in Ciampel Subdistrict Karawang Regency

Hernina, R., Rokhmatuloh, Setyawan, B.A.


Exploring the relationship of solid waste height and land surface temperature in municipality landfill site using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) images

Meissarah, P., Rokhmatuloh, Shidiq, I.P.A.


Spatial pattern of carbon mangrove stock based on habitat characteristics in Bali Province

Nur Anisa, M., Rokhmatuloh, Hernina, R.


UAV application to estimate oil palm trees health using Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI) (Case study of Cikabayan Research Farm, Bogor City)

Naulidia, R.A., Juliana, E., Handayani, S., Damayanti, F., Setiasih, S., Hudiyono, S.


Enzymatic synthesis of glycerol and sucrose-palm oil fatty acid esters produced and their potency as antimicrobial agents

Khoirunnisa, F., Supriatna, Wibowo, A.


Using NDVI algorithm in Sentinel-2A imagery for rice productivity estimation (Case study: Compreng sub-district, Subang Regency, West Java)

Lestari, E.A.P., Supriatna, Damayanti, A.


Model of paddy rice phenology using Sentinel 2-A imagery with NDVI algorithm in Subang Regency

Ditriyani, E., Supriatna, Tambunan, M.P.


Seagrass distribution using remote sensing along the Ujunggenteng Coastal, Sukabumi

Firdaus, F., Pin, T.G., Supriatna


Distribution of phytoplankton using remote sensing in Cimandiri Estuary, Sukabumi, West Java

Kaffah, S., Supriatna, Damayanti, A.


Cilamaya estuary zonation based on sea surface salinity with 2 Sentinel-2A satellite imagery

Rahman, T.A., Supriatna, S., Saraswati, R.


Coral reefs distribution using Sentinel-2A imagery in Belanda Island, Bira Besar Island and Pramuka Island at Kepulauan Seribu National Park

Supriatna, Rokhmatuloh, Wibowo, A., Shidiq, I.P.A.


Spatial analysis of rice phenology using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 in Karawang Regency