Prof. Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, M.Sc.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, M.Sc.


Alamat: Ruang H302, Gedung H Lantai 1, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Telepon kantor: +622178886680

Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, MSc merupakan Associate Professor di Departemen Geografi, Fakultas Universitas Indonesia. Selain menjadi staf pengajar, saya juga menjadi Ketua Ikatan Geograf Indonesia (IGI). Bidang penelitian yang saya tekuni adalah Penginderaan Jauh, Aplikasi dan Pemodelan Sistem Informasi Geografis, Perencanaan Wilayah dan Tata Ruang, dan Geografi Fisik. Proyek yang lalu dan yang sedang dilakukan adalah Paddy Field Classification with MODIS-Terra Multitemporal Image Transformation Using Phenological Approach in Java Island; Study on Erosion-Sedimentation Monitoring: System Based Automatic Interpretation; Development, Implementation and Validation of Sediment Transport and Erosion Prediction Model; Remote Sensing and GIS for Biomass and Urban Hit Island; Study on Compilation of Data and Erosion Prediction Maps in Indonesia for the Year 2021 – 2099 as a Decision Support System (DSS) for National Spatial Policy Based on Disaster Mitigation.

Sejak 2017, saya menjadi Penanggung Jawab Pengembangan Pendidikan, Pelatihan, dan Sertifikasi Reviewer Riset di Indonesia; Penanggung jawab pengembangan Science and Technology Index (SINTA). Pada periode 2015-2019 menjadi Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi dengan pencapaian Total Publikasi Internasional dan Paten Indonesia mencapai peringkat tertinggi di negara-negara ASEAN; berhasil menjadi Ketua Tim Pemerintah dalam menyelesaikan UU 11/2019 tentang Sistem Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi; dan dan telah memprakarsai kerjasama penelitian dengan luar negeri) dengan Prof Teitaro Kitamura, University of Kyoto, Japan Prof Shintaro Kobayashi, University of Kyoto, Japan, Prof Muh Aris Marfai, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogya, Prof Akhmad Fauzy, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogya. Mendapatkan pendanaan riset dari tahun 2018 – sekarang dari Kemenristek/BRIN, UI, dan LPDP.

Doktorandus (Drs.) Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada (1982)
Master Sains (M.Sc.) Department of Regional Planning, Fac. of Agriculture, Kyoto University (1990)
Doktor (Dr.) Kyoto University Department of Regional Planning, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University (1997)

Penginderaan Jauh, Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG), Perencanaan Wilayah dan Tata Ruang, dan Geografi Fisik: khususnya Pemodelan, dan Penerapan Penginderaan Jauh dan SIG.

  1. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kobayashi, S., & Kitamura, T. (1996a). A method for estimation of macroscopic land suitability using remote sensing and geographic information systems: a case study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 28(72).
  2. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kobayashi, S., & Kitamura, T. (1996b). An analysis of land use/cover change using the combination of MSS landsat and land use map—a case study in yogyakarta, indonesia. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5).
  3. Dimyati, M., Dimyati, R. D., Kustiyo, Danoedoro, P., & Hartono. (2018). Interpretability evaluation of annual mosaic image of MTB model for land cover changes analysis. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 16(3).
  4. Dimyati, M., Kustiyo, & Dimyati, R. D. (2019). Paddy field classification with MODIS-terra multi-temporal image transformation using phenological approach in Java Island. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 9(2).
  5. Dimyati, R. D., Danoedoro, P., Hartono, Kustiyo, & Dimyati, M. (2019). Digital Interpretability of Annual Tile-based Mosaic of Landsat-8OLI for Time-series Land Cover Analysis in the Central Part of Sumatra. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 50(2).
  6. Siddiq, A., Dimyati, M., & Damayanti, A. (2020). Analysis of Carbon Stock Distribution of Mangrove Forests in The Coastal City of Benoa, Bali with Combination Vegetation Index, and Statistics Approach. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 10(6).
  7. Supriatna, S., Dimyati, M., & Amrillah, D. (2020). Spatial Model of Traffic Congestion by the Changes on City Transportation Route. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 10(5).
  8. Firdhauzi, S. N., Damayanti, A., Semedi, J. M., & Dimyati, M. (2020). Spatial and temporal pattern of soil conservation in mountain ecosystem: Case study of Patuha Mountain, West Java-Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 19(72).
  9. Dimyati, M., Trihatmoko, E., & Marfai, M. A. (2021). 10 years erosion-sedimentation monitoring: System based automatic interpretation in coastal area of brebes regency, central Java province, Indonesia. Geographia Technica, 16(1).
  10. Ghani, G. A., Dimyati, M., & Damayanti, A. (2021). Prediction of Land Cover and Land Surface Temperature in Kuta Selatan Sub-district, Bali Province. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 11(1).
  11. Rahmi, K. I. N., & Dimyati, M. (2021). Remote sensing and gis application for monitoring drought vulnerability in Indonesia: A review. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 10(6).
  12. Rosyidy, M. K., Dimyati, M., Shidiq, I. P. A., Zulkarnain, F., Rahaningtyas, N. S., Syamsuddin, R. P., & Zein, F. M. (2021). Landslide surface deformation analysis using sbas-insar in the southern part of the sukabumi area, indonesia. Geographia Technica, 16(Special Issue).
  13. Dimas Bayu Ichsandya, Muhammad Dimyati, Iqbal Putut Ash Shidiq, Faris Zulkarnain, Nurul Sri Rahatiningtyas, Riza Putera Syamsuddin, Farhan Makarim Zein. (2022). Assessment of surface deformation at the landslide location using SAR interferometry in Pacitan Regency, East Java. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Volume 12, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 101-112.
  14. Muhammad Dimyati, Adlyani Husna, Puji Tri Handayani, Devy Nur Annisa. (2022). Cloud Removal on Satellite Imagery using Blended Model, Case Study using Quick Look of High-Resolution Image of Indonesia. Telkomnika, Volume 20, Nomor 1, 2022, Pages 135-141
  15. Yanto, Muhammad Dimyati. (2022). Development, Implementation and Validation of Sediment Transport and Erosion Prediction (STEP) Model. Environmental Modelling and Software, Environmental Modelling and Software, 2023, 164, 105686
  16. Siswanto, Kartika Kusuma Wardani, Babag Purbantoro, Andry Rustanto, Faris Zulkarnain, Evy Angggraheni, Ratih Dewanti, Triarko Nurlambang, Muhammad Dimyati. (2022). Meteorological drought indicator based on multisource satellite data and the Standardized Precipitation Index: Application to Java Island in support of food security. Environmental Modelling and Software, Plos One, June 3, 2022.
  17. Dimyati, S. Supriatna, R. Nagasawa, F. D. Pamungkas, and R. Pramayuda, “A Comparison of Several UAV-Based Multispectral Imageries in Monitoring Rice Paddy (A Case Study in Paddy Fields in Tottori Prefecture, Japan),” ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Information, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 36, 2023.
  18. Z. Supriatna, N. R. Ardiansyah, S. I. Jarot Mulyo Semedi, and T. N. Nurul Sri Rahatiningtyas, Triarko Nurlambang, Muhammad Dimyati, “Communicating the High Susceptible Zone of COVID-19 and its Exposure to Population Number through a Web-GIS Dashboard for Indonesia Cases,” 2022.
  19. Dimyati, I. P. A. Shidiq, and D. B. Ichsandya, “GIS-Based Binary Logistic Regression for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in the Central Part of Pacitan Regency, East Java, Indonesia,” Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol., vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1462–1468, 2022.
  20. Suhermat, M. Dimyati, and A. Nurlatifah, “Changes in potential distribution and abundance of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the southern waters of West Java, Indonesia,” Aquac. Aquarium, Conserv. Legis., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 2910–2920, 2022.
  21. Nugroho and M. Dimyati, “Accuracy Evaluation of Convolutional Neural Network Classification Algorithms for Building Identification in Rural and Urban Areas from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery in Jambi, Indonesia,” Bull. Geogr. Socio-economic Ser., no. 58, pp. 141–154, 2022.
  22. W. G. K. Arimjaya and M. Dimyati, “Remote sensing and geographic information systems technics for spatial-based development planning and policy,” Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng., vol. 12, no. 5, p. 5073, 2022.
  23. A. Maghribi, M. Dimyati, and S. Supriatna, “Geographic information system and multi-criteria decision analysis for the determination of groundwater recharge potential: systematic review,” Water Supply, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 7027–7039, 2022.
  24. Atiqi, M. Dimyati, A. Gamal, and R. Pramayuda, “Appraisal of Building Price in Urban Area Using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Data in Depok City,” Land, vol. 11, no. 8, p. 1320, 2022.
  25. Dimyati, A. P. Nurhaliza, and A. Damayanti, “Spatial Analysis of Health and Physical Parameters of the Mangrove Forest at Taman Hutan Raya Ngurah Rai, Bali Using Sentinel-2A,” Indones. J. Geogr., vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 135–142, 2022.
  26. I Wayan Gede Krisna ArimjayaAde Komara MulyanaMuhammad Dimyati. “Calibration interval scenario approach in spatial modeling of land cover change in East Kalimantan from 2016 to 2036”. Open access. Published: 03 August 2023. (2023).
  27. Muhammad Dimyati, Deha Agus Umarhadi, Ilham Jamaluddin, Disyacitta Awanda, Wirastuti Widyatmanti. (2023). Mangrove monitoring revealed by MDPrePost-Net using archived Landsat imageries. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 32 (2023) 101041.

Depok, 27 Juli 2023. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Dimyati,  M.Sc., ditetapkan sebagai Guru Besar Tetap di bidang Ilmu Penginderaan Jauh  dan Lingkungan  Fakultas  Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan  Alam (FMIPA) Universitas Indonesia (UI) di Makara Art Center, Kampus UI Depok (Rabu, 26/7). Di hadapan para tamu Prof. Dimyati menyampaikan orasi ilmiahnya yang berjudul “Model Pemantauan Penggunaan Lahan  dan Tutupan  Lahan  yang Efisien  di Indonesia  Berbasis  Data  Penginderaan  Jauh”. Upacara pengukuhan  tersebut dipimpin langsung oleh Rektor UI, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., yang disiarkan secara virtual melalui kanal YouTube Universitas Indonesia dan UI Teve. Untuk berita lengkapnya dapat dilihat pada tautan ini Pengukuhan Guru Besar Prof. Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, M.Sc.