Prof. Tangang’s Public Lecture at the University of Indonesia

Understanding of Climate Change: From Global to regional scale with specific reference to the Maritime Continent region

Prof. Dr. Fredolin Tangang

Working Group I Vice Chair

Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) &

Head, Research Centre for Tropical Climate Change System

The National University of Malaysia


AbstractThis lecture provides an overview of the current knowledge of physical basis of climate change from global to regional scale, paying specific attention to the current understanding and knowledge gaps in the Maritime Continent region. The lecture will highlight the main finding of IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) (IPCC 2007) and the latest IPCC Report on Extreme Events (SREX) (IPCC 2012). These will cover findings from observations to modeling results, which are global in nature. The lecture will also highlight the limited regional assessments made by the IPCC particularly the Maritime Continent region. Knowledge gaps in climate change and climate variability over this region will also be discussed. Prior to these, explanation will be provided on the roles and assessment processes within the IPCC. The important roles of scientists from within this region in the IPCC assessment process will be specifically mentioned.Prof. Fredolin_Public Talk Universitas Indonesia

Diselenggarakan pada Tanggal  27 November 2012 jam 13.00 di Dep. Geografi, FMIPA UI


Admin Taqyuddin

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